Especially if you’re around bleeding edge technologies and always after the latest fuzz you’ll have a hard time to get around Python and Docker. Don’t get me wrong – both are brilliant and do have a right to exist and many beautiful use cases. But lately I have seen so many “releases” that felt so “half baked” due to overuse of Python and Docker.
Really – nothing against Python. Some old school devs would still refer to it as a “scripting” language – which doesn’t do it justice due to the high level approach, countless modules and widespread use as applications. However if you come from a classic dev background and the word “compiling” still means a lot to you, you might have a different perspective. There are workarounds and tricks to compile Python – but honestly – it was never meant to be compiled and if you ever tried to compile Python scripts with loads of dependencies or value scmall binaries you get what I mean. If you’re a geek using Debian and wanna share your creations with other Linux users then no problem – you’ll barely find anyone who doesn’t have python installed. But for other OS like MacOS or Windows this often isn’t the typical end user scenario.
So what I often see when people have like a hundred .py scripts with like 150 dependencies and people are like “WTF, dude no idea how to run it!” is people starting to use Docker (Which I personally prefer over some runbooks).
While Docker has a beauty of it’s own, practically being a complete system that “just works”, I feel it’s not comparable to a classic binary. It sure beats weird instructions on how to install a hundred dependencies or runbooks that use package managers you don’t even have installed – but back to MacOS and Windows users – it’s by far no standard that these have Docker installed.
And even if they do – what you get is a giant monolithic blackbox that “somehow works” if everything went right. This is a bit like if you ordered a toaster and someone delivers a complete mobile home that has a toaster in the kitchen. Yes it does work and makes toast, but I sometimes feel that the beauty of efficient coding gets lost here. There are beautiful use cases when I feel Docker is the best solution but I think it often gets absused to put a complete mess of code (“Dude why did you install this module? Hmm yeah not sure it’s even necessary…” “Oh that .py? yeah nothing to do with it, I just copied some stuff from an old project…”) into a huge file that is anything but performant.
And yeah joke is on me – if it’s open source just rewrite it and release something better. I just feel the quality of stuff released lately has decreased. Is there still anyone left believing in “beautiful code”? /rant
OK admittedly – not my first computer. Or maybe I should rather say like “our” first computer to make it a family matter. My first computer was a Commodore 64 back in 1986 when I was 8 years old. My dad was an early IT pro back in the 1960s when Computers typically didn’t have screens or keyboards and you used punch cards to run programs in order to compute the interest of a savings account at a bank. Or something like this. His whole career kinda based on computers. I guess kinda natural that he wanted to interest his son in computers. It kinda worked with the C64. If you count playing video games as interest in computers.
However – my love for computers really got serious 2 years later when dad got the Tandon 286. A massive steel box with a 5.25″ floppy drive, 20 MB MFM hard disk, hercules graphics card and a monochrome green screen. Running MS-DOS and serious software like “Word Perfect”. It costed as much as a small car and you could hear the hard disk heads making noises like a little hammer banging against the massive steel case.
Obviously I wasn’t really allowed to use it, but despite having a lock with a key my dad never locked it, so you can imagine that I often tried it out on my own when I was home alone, replicating some crude DOS commands I saw my dad type. There was only one game installed – a crude text mode only thing where you controlled the ASCII control character that is a smiley. I can’t really recall the name of the game – and honestly – it wasn’t even great. But it got me interested in the machine. It was also an adventure to just browse through the myriad of files using just “CD” and “DIR” commands.
Later my dad got a pirated copy of “Leisure Suit Larry” from work. This was kinda new world. It was nearly unplayable for me – being a 10 yo German kid (Not angry German kid though), barely knowing a few words in English. But at that time I noticed the built-in PC speaker could actually make music and funny sounds. Who needs a sound card when you got a PC speaker?
Larry was pretty pixelated and didn’t look really good on the monochrome green screen, but that a game was loaded in seconds was new to a C64 user and close to a miracle.
Later on my dad would get some upgrades. A fancy 3.5″ floppy drive and an amazing 1200 BAUD modem. There was no internet back in the 1980s and I didn’t know about BBS systems back then, but we had the modern BTX system from the German postal company. Some crude way to access some online news and even download a few crappy freeware programs. I sometimes had a dispute with my dad over the phone bill. But I did look in the eye of the future – being online and reaching the world with a computer – and I liked it. I guess that’s how true nerds are born.
Slow browsing. Websites taking somewhere between a few to many seconds to react. Tabs that keep loading and seemingly block the whole internet. Firefox “looking up”. Timeout, website doesn’t respond. And no clue. If you read this then maybe you have a problem. Or just wanna be prepared if one comes up. So if you ever experience problems these are a few things you might wanna do first. take it as a troubleshooting guide.
1. Suspect the browser
Well just as a cross test – use another browser. Sounds dumb, but just make sure the problem is not just one browser and its settings. If you use Windows you always have the dreaded “Internet Explorer” which is far from being great but if you wanna rule out problems in your Firefox or Chrome settings it’s just good enough. If everything works fine in one browser and sucks in another then reset the failing browser or de-install it. Consider trying something like “Browzar” or IceWeasel if you run out of ideas for a fresh browser. If all browsers got the same problem you at least learned that the browser is not the problem. Congratulations!
2. Several networks create several problems
Most Laptops have a classic ethernet port and wifi. Other options include – but are not limited to – bluetooth, 3G modems, virtual network adaptors and so on. Usually you’re only connected to ONE network, these days usually wifi. But if you do have a cable in your ethernet port or 3G card built in or whatever – try disabling ALL but the one you really intend to use. I’ve had a laptop that was connected to my NAS via ethernet and to the internet via Wifi. Turned out that windows somehow always tried to send packages to the ethernet (Which didn’thave internet) first which resulted in awesome slowdowns and timeouts. So if Wifi is your internet connection disable all other crap and see if something changes. if not then continue with the next point.
3. IPV6 rocks… or sucks…
Yeah in theory IPV6 should make IPV4 obsolete and while that is true actually big parts on the web still rely on IPV4. Sadly. But with IPV4 pretty much everything still works. So even while this would be sad – just disable IPV6 to rule out the possibility that you have a configuration problem with IPV6 on your computer or router. In Firefox you can also turn off IPV6 DNS to see if there’s a problem with that. However if you notice you don’t have any problem with IPV6 I strongly recommend turning it on again. But yeah a quick cross test to see if the problem has something to do with IPV6 would be helpful.
4. DNS Problems
Especially the good old “looking up” message from Firefox can be a hint that DNS lookups take too long. It might be worth a try to manually set some reliable DNS servers like and (google) to determine if the DNS servers are the problem. Just good to rule that out.
5. Use a clean device
Yeah sounds dumb, but a great test to see if this affects your Internet connection or just your PC is to use another device and turn off everything else (cell phones, tablets, Playstation 4, etc) to see if it’s just your PC or the whole connection/router. Sometimes devices or persons in your home use something very demanding like a torrent client or maybe they are infected with a trojan or worm or they are just downloading gigantic updates. So if everything works great on your cell phone via wifi but not on your PC then maybe the PC is infected or mis-configured. In this case as a last shot consider a re-install of the operating system.
6. Speed test
There’s a hundred speed test sites, just google like “Internet speed test” and try some. If the result is far from your expectations or your internet provider contract then maybe something’s wrong with your line. Sucks but if this is permanently maybe consider calling your ISP.
OK, for whiskey you got me – it depends if it aged in a barrel or in a bottle and which whiskey and…
Aight but this wasn’t about whiskey – it’s about 3D models and why collecting them “might” be a rather disappointing hobby.
I have a quite large collection of 3D models – ranging from the oldest 1990s Viewpoint Datalabs models to some pretty recent ones from Turbosquid or CGTrader.
De Espona – 500 3D models
So here’s why this sucks.
One point is the licensing. While most model CDs (Google “CD” if you don’t know what this is was.) originally seemed to be straight-forward like “Buy the CD, use the model, just don’t redistribute the models themselves, kekeh?” it is a bit questionable these days with using models in 3D games and such. Most modern websites offer special “interactive” licenses to use the models in games and such, but for most old model collections this is at best “questionable” because back then such uses were not even thought of. Bonus: most of these companies went out of business or were sold so many times that it is difficult to make out the current owner of this IP
The details. While loads of these 1990s models looked very detailed and awesome back in the days they do look “dated” today. I don’t wanna say all of them are useless as of today – for something small like a ladybug you won’t get too many complaints today unless you go like “super close up”, but for many bigger models like cars or houses they don’t seem to have the level of detail that we call “jaw dropping” today.
The layers. Back in the days you had a model and if it was a good one even a texture (yay!). And that’s it. If it came with a bump map (which is outdated these days anyways – hello “Normal map”!) it was already space age – todays PBR requirements aren’t really satisfied without a specularity, roughness, AO and normal map.
The formats. As I said before – if you have a textured model and it came with a halfway readable format (Like OBJ with MTL) you’re still lucky, some models were much worse and you’ll have a hard time just getting the texture (“diffuse” or “Color map” today) on it.
Missing segmentation, bad pivot points and so on. Yeah back in the days if you “Somehow” got a textured 3D model into your 3D app it was already like instant-win. Today when you work with stuff like UE4 you’ll get the horrors if the model has a bad pivot point or crap included like a sky or ground plane. Also models that don’t segment materials so you can edit them properly are a nightmare. Just imagine you import a model of a person and it’s all just one material with a nice texture. It doesn’t help that the texture somehow matches, you want the eyes to be more reflective than the sweatshirt and so on.
After all is said and done – it doesn’t really pay off to buy old 3D model CDs or stuff from ebay or anywhere else. I pitty companies like Digimation who bought the famous “De Espona” collection – today we’d call them a “bad bank”.
This was a question i was actually asked in an e-mail. I always try to answer every e-mail in detail if i can and i also did that with this one (Hi George!).
But yeah I thought maybe I should share some insights into my collection craziness with everyone.
Before I take a deep breath – my collection craziness faded out a bit when i got married and now with 2 kids i lack the time and money to buy all the crazy stuff i used to. So take it as my memoirs. I still have my whole DOS palmtop collection – which is the last thing i could defend from the claws of my wife, but I am honestly thinking of selling some pieces. If you have 5 models of a Sharp PC-3000 and 4 of the PC-3100 it ‘s getting difficult to defend the need to keep all of them. And then there’s the other 60ish palmtops. I can personally defend the argument to keep ONE spare, but it’s difficult to argue why you have 5 of the same type. So – YAY – I guess in the near future some fellow collectors can have the one or other rare piece.
But back to DOS Palmtops. It’s not just them. They are just the melting Pot of so many interests and loads of love and memories.
But let’s try to sum up my interests and love.
Small things. I have been collecting “miniatures” since i was a little school boy. I used to have a big show case in my childhood room and it was packing full of everything miniature. Not necessary everything boys love, but everything that would qualify as a miniature. A tiny book(a bit larger than a stamp. I think it was a Spanish bible, but what mattered was the tiny size), miniature cars (even smaller than the typical matchbox cars, obviously the smaller the better), hell even perfume miniatures (I guess most were the type my mum thought didn’t smell that nice). Really everything I could get my hands on. Later it were miniature (toy) trains and especially the buildings, when i grew older and didn’t need to argue why this was strange i even got some doll house stuff like a miniature fridge and matching miniature food. I guess everyone has a hobby.
Computers. My first computer was a Commodore C-64. Not because that was exactly what I wanted but because it was cheap. Later my Dad got a real PC – a Tandon 80286 with a green monochrome (Hercules) screen and 5.25 inch floppy. Whooping 20 MB HDD and I think 1 MB RAM. Needless to say that when he wasn’t at home me and my friends prefered the PC.
MS-DOS. Well I guess every DOS would do, but back in the days mainstream was screaming “MS-DOS” when it was about DOS. When I could finally afford my first own PC – a 486 DLC with whooping 4 MB RAM, 2 x 62 MB HDDs, SVGA card,14 inch screen (Up to 1024×768 res), Sound Blaster (Or “compatible”. Actually thinking about it – rather “compatible” i guess) and even a space age CD-ROM drive (1x speed) I felt like a king. And yeah of course it came with MS-DOS. I would ocassionally load Windows 3.1 but MS-DOS was “THE” system.
AA-Batteries. This weird passion definitely came last (But not least!). My adventurer days are kinda over now (Well maybe if the kids are a bit older they’ll come back…) but if you’ve ever been on a trip through a jungle and the batteries of your laptop and camera died you might remember my words when i say “It’s a blessing when you carry a few 8 pack of AA Batteries with you and know you can power your computer and camera from these for like another whole day.
Size, size and size. probably the only reason why i still have my palmtop collection is the tiny size. I also started a small collection of arcade machines before i got married – but you guess that this hobby consumes quite some space. Maybe collecting writst watches, stamps or coins consumes less space, but palmtops will always be on the space-saving list of hobbies, so you can have a quite large collection all in a small cabinet.
Not endless. There’s loads of stuff you can collect that will eat up your savings like there’s no tomorrow. But with DOS Palmtops there’s just a rather small selection of machines available. So unless you act like me and start having 6 palmtops of the same make and model you won’t spend much money after a while – simply because you can’t find any machine that’s not already in your collection. Yeah in the beginning it’s easy since you can always get a HP 100LX, 200LX or an Atari Portfolio, but after a while you just end up searching for new DOS palmtops and come up with nothing.
After all is said and done this is a halfway typical “Vintage computer” hobby. You have loads of games and apps you can use, you spend loads of money (Hint – an emulator is usually free, greetings from DOSBOX) and there’s few realistic tasks of today you can use these for. Try to camouflage this as a useful object, but honestly – your smartphone can probably do a thousand things more and faster – so maybe just take it as a hobby. But yeah you can do much more with them than with a coin or stamp, so maybe not the worst hobby ever. Unless you get extreme. Like me.
In the previous article we already talked about the MiniNotes of the 1990s – Toshiba ended their classic Libretto series outside of Japan in 1999, but in Japan they released new model – the “ff” and “ss” series which were technically rather unimpressive, but it should be noted that the FF1100 from late 1999 was probably one of the first netbooks to feature a built-in camera (A webcam as we would say today).
Toshiba Libretto ff1100
The year 2000 started without many surprises. For a moment it seemed the MiniNote market was saturated. It wasn’t until late 2000 that a new challenger appeared. Fujitsu had been manufacturing rather uninspiring notebooks under the “FMV Biblo” brand name. I don’t know if this is a mis-translation of “biblio”(From the greek “Biblion” meaning “book”) or some clever naming scheme i just haven’t gotten yet – but their first Biblo were rather dull notebooks for the mass market. However – on september 2000 they introduced the FMV Biblo “Loox”. Notably the big “T Series” with 10 inch screen which is less interesting for us MiniNote geeks, but also the famous “S Series” which came with a 8.8 inch screen and was closer to the original MiniNote form factor. To be precise the “FMV Biblo Loox S5/53” – or “FMV Biblo Loox S5/53W”. The “W” includes an obscure Japanese ISDN style modem that isn’t compatible with anything in the rest of the world, so if you lack the “W” you didn’t really miss much. At 243 x 151 x 30 mm this was a bit larger than the Toshiba Libretto 100 series, but for these few milimeters more you actually got a really interesting machine that addressed some issues with previous MiniNotes.
Since the Libretto 20 the processor speed has more than tripled and additional stuff like modems and better graphics cards were added. However – battery life was not really improving, so besides ridiculously oversized batteries the most sold accessories were additional batteries – it was not uncommon that a Japanese businessman was carrying around one or more additional batteries in his suitcase. The Biblo Loox introduced the “Transmeta Crusoe” – a new type of processor that was built to be really power saving and would somewhat dominate the market of ultra-portables for the next few years. In a time before Intel Atom that was for sure a difference. So the Loox offered around 3.6 hours of battery type with the small battery and up to 8 hours with the large battery. Back in the year 2000 reading “8 hours of battery life” was jaw dropping for most Japanese that got used to carrying around an armada of spare batteries. But also the rest of the specs were nice. The screen offered a rather unique res of a whooping 1024 x 512. The graphics card was an ATI Rage Mobility-M – making it the first MiniNote with a “real” 3D graphics card. Memory was a whooping 128MB (Where 16MB were used for the Transmeta Processor code morphing function). HDD came with 10GB capacity which was also a lot in the days. USB, PCMCIA and modem included. 980 gram also made it rather lightweight, just under the magic 1 Kg barrier. This was really a breakthrough which immediately made it a best-seller. Not everyone loved the Crusoe – performance was slower than with the typical Intel processor, so a 933 MHz Crusoe “performed” more like an Intel processor with half that speed in Windows XP. The Crusoe used a quite unique “Code morphing” technology actually transforming X86 code into it’s own crude logic “On the fly” – so it was rather “emulating” an X86 CPU. In theory it would even have been possible to emulate other processors like 68K or ARM, but it was never delivered with anything else but the X86 emulation. The code morphing also had the drawback that it consumed a little bit (Somewhere in the range between 10 and 20 MB) RAM to park the code morphing stuff.
Transmeta Crusoe processor
So it wouldn’t take too long until the competition reacted…
In 2001 Toshiba introduced the “Libretto L1” which received mixed reviews. Generally not a bad device, but the form factor had grown by 5 centimeter in each direction (Albeit being thinner) kinda eliminating the compact size the Libretto was famous for. So Size-wise it was now more of a subnotebook and while still being considerably small and technically impressive it failed to win the hearts of all the Japanese customers wanting another “MiniNote”
Sony released the PG-U1 in April 2002.
Sony PCG-U1
While it wouldn’t look so impressive like 15 years later this was quite a sensation in 2002… Really tiny form factor that gets me close to calling it a “Palmtop”, 1024 x 768 on a 6.4 inch screen means like 200 Pixel per inch. That is an impressive pixel per inch density that was incredibly impressive back in the days. More than 10 years later Apple was selling their Laptops with a “retina display” which had just reached the level Sony defined like a decade earlier, being around 200-220 PPI. The 866 MHz Transmeta processor also allowed impressive power saving – boosting battery like to around 4.5 hours with normal office appz. And since Sony always longed for more they offered the notorious extended battery (Which was nearly the same dimensions as the actual notebook) that could snap into the bottom of the device – delivering breathtaking unreal 9 hours of battery life. USB, Ethernet, Firewire (Called “i.Link” by Sony), PCMCIA and the notorious MemoryStick slot included. 128 MB BAse RAM, upgradable to a max of 384MB (Minus a bit that the gfx card and transmeta processor consume).
There was also the PCG-U3 – a special “Online order only” edition – which only differed slightly by a black case (Instead of the U1 silver), the “faster” 933 MHz Transmeta Crusoe (Like you’d ever notice the additional 60 MHz) and more base RAM (256MB instead of 128 MB)
In 2003 Sony reacted to some complaints about the “sluggish” performance of the U-Series and trashed the Transmeta concept, going back to Intel processors. So the U101 of 2003 used an Intel Celeron with 600MHz – which notably performed much better than the 933 MHz Crusoe.
Back in the days – when PalmOS was about to die there was some French guy creating a blatant copy of Visual Basic 6 – but for PalmOS. I guess Microsoft never really cared for anything – may it be piracy of their own products or a copycat re-inventing Visual Basic. This prolly breached a million of patents, but then again PalmOS was already on the edge of death, so they just never cared. Actually this was prolly the reason why so many PalmOS appz still came out in like 2004/2005…
Handheld Basic++
If you were a trained Visual Basic 6.0 programmer (Like all the cool kids making trojans and such) you’d obviously easily get into this. Actually it’s amazing how this was not made by Microsoft since this was pretty much exactly Visual Basic for PalmOS… I think the only feature it did not have was “Sort” -which was kinda not a big drawback.
So you’d draw your buttons and crap like in paint to create a nice GUI and throw in some dodgy functions or subs behind these, just like in good old VB6. Programming is so much fun if you don’t need to learn it…
The original manufacturer – “Peter Holmes Consulting” (Pretty typical French name i guess) – kinda went bankrupt years ago. Well since this was a one man show i guess the guy (Jean-Philippe Amaré) just noticed that PalmOS kinda died out and noone was left who’d slam a few hundred bucks (Originally 500 USD – Last reported price was like 150 USD) on the counter for this. So he closed down the website ( for good, concentrating on drinking red wine and eating snails or whatever French people do when they retire…
So if you wanna create enterprise PalmOS appz to sell for big $$$ here’s your link:
It will be ask you to register to get rid of the nagging screens on your compiled version – which you obviously can’t do since the website is down since like a decade. I can’t be arsed to patch it but if you have the patience then message me and I’ll upload it.
RIP PalmOS… But then again some gravedigging is fun…
Well even if you’re not much into 3D you probably know that problem – you definitely need a software for a given task. “Urgent” is the keyword. So you download, install, use cracks or keygens and then the crap just won’t work. Well I wanted to decorate one of our inhouse presentation stands with some nice eye candy 3D screen. Brought my neat little “IO Data RockVision 3D” screen to the office, installed Win7 on an old standalone workstation and then the trouble began.
IO-Data Rock Vision 3D screen
The driver for Windows 7 was already a pain. I immediately regretted installing Win7 X64 on the workstation because the driver worked fine on XP 32-Bit. For a 64-Bit windows 7 Install you gotta download a new Installer from Display Link which just gives me some error like “The installer was modified” which sounds like “virus”. Ouch. So checked the file size – no difference. Googling a bit it turns out that my standalone workstation is prolly missing some Windows update that checks the certificate or whatever. Downloaded and installed that update just to get another error (Doh!). Googling more someone came to the bright idea that you can grab the install files from the temp folder when the installer fails. Actually good point. Installed the inf from there and ended up with an installed driver and a black screen. Doh!!! So googling more and looking at the manual (pics since its in Japanese) i noticed i lack the “core” application. Changed driver manually to another .inf file with a good guess and finally got the screen working.
The IO-Data Rock Vision 3D is actually neat. A very small Glasses-Free 3D screen that is powered by USB (No AC adaptor required!) and has a whooping 800×480 Resolution (400×480 in 3D mode)
So now for the real problems. So there is a nice free Japanese player called “Stereo Movie Player” which supports nearly every output known to mankind – but not the “Column Interlaced” format this screen needs.
Did i say “Doh!” already? So i remembered that ripoff player from that Austrian guy – “Stereoscopic Player”.
Stereoscopic Player – ever wanted to shell out 55 USD for a media player? here ya go!
55 USD for a player that is a bit cleaner and can merely do a little bit more than the free Japanese player. If it was like 5 or 10 bucks i might have considered buying it. But hey – it does have that column interlaced mode. So downloaded it from the usual sources with a nice Keygen (Actually more of an “activation code” gen) – and guess what – it dows not work on 64-bit Windows. Tried some older versions with serials and they never worked. So i got out my disassembler (ILSPY) and guess what? .net but obfuscated. yeah there are some de-obfuscators and stuff but this is where it really starts to cost more time than i have. So Peter Wimmer if you read this – Fuck you. REALLY!
So here i go and do what only lamers do who can’t find an appropriate crack – searching alternate software. And guess what? The Freeware and Open Source software is pretty good. Actually some are on par if not even better than the 55 USD ripoff software. Well some have drawbacks, but i sorted them a bit according to their capabilities, so here is my Top 5:
The 5 best free stereoscopic player alternatives:
5. GLStereoPlayer
Actually pretty good player – but it only supports seperated left/right video streams. Output is in a myriad of formats though. I do have some movies in seperated left/right formats, but usually when you get a torrent you usually have a SideBySide format or such, so last place on this list. Noone really wanna split an SBS movie file into L/R files, but if you do then this is a true little jewel.
This is actually a really neat player – would have been the best if it supported more formats. But easy interface and awesome performance, so definitely worth giving it a try. If your favorite output format is supported then good chance you’d rate it the #1 of this list.
This Japanese Player looks pretty homemade and it sure has some deficits in the “look and feel” section but besides that and the fact it doesn’t play back in column interlaced format it is pretty good since it can do nearly everything else. Loads of functions, very lightweight (Under 1 MB!) so definitely worth a try.
This is actually a stereoscopic player made for Ubuntu – but from the nature of OpenSource it was ported to Windows as well. At first i found the interface a bit confusing, but like 2 minutes into it and you get used to that. Supports pretty much all formats for input and output and it does look pretty nice in Windows, too.
This is my personal favorite. Maybe not the cutest interface but all you need and excellent performance. It’s not overloaded – just all you ever need in one convinient window. It does what you want and how you expect it and even less cluttered than the “Stereoscopic Player”.
Back in the early times of TV there were sci-Fi visions of miniaturized TVs in a wristwatch, probably first seen in early “Dick Tracy” comics. It was unavoidable that we’d get the TV wristwatch, the question was just “when?”.
In 1982 Seiko finally answered this question – with the first TV Wristwatch ever – the legendary “Seiko TV watch”. But let’s take a more detailed look at the history of TV Wristwatches…
1. Seiko TV Watch (1982)
Seiko TV Watch
It was introduced in summer 1982 in Japan – so that can be regarded as the birth of the TV Wristwatch. It was a bit cheating since you’d need to connect a walkman-sized receiver box that also contained the batteries as well as headphones in order to watch TV on a tiny greyscale display. In the end it would have been more practical to just bring the first Sony watchman which is pretty much the size of the receiver unit. The first (“Sports”) edition featured a black rim around the Watch face and came in a silver colored box. That is by far the rarest verson. The later “all silver” version was also released in the U.S. a year later.
2. NHJ Wearable TV VTV-101 (2004)
NHJ Wearable TV VTV-101
The NHJ VTV-101 was the first color TV watch and while it was still rather bulky for a wristwatch it contained the receiver in the watch eliminating the need to bring a box with you. What you’d definitely need to bring was the earphones – these also conatin the antenna, so even if you don’t need any sound you’ll not be able to watch TV without them. The watch itself is a bit bulky, but still kinda “wearable”. The TV module can be detached from the strap and be worn as a necklace. The box also contains a special docking station that you need to charge the batteries. So if the earphones or docking station get lost the unit will become pretty much unusable. The batteries last around 60 minutes, so usually a bit short for a soccer match or a movie. A bit later a PAL version called “VTV-201” was released. Unfortunately the PAL version lacked the watch display on top, so unless you turn it on it wouldn’t even show the time, thus defeating the purpose of a “watch” a bit.
3. “Super Dry” TV Watch (2006)
Super Dry TV Watch
Probably the weirdest “watch” in this collection if you wanna call it “watch” at all is the “Super Dry TV Watch”. Actually it is rather a Japanese cell phone with a wrist strap. This is so bulky, i think you can only “wear” this as a cheap joke on a party or so. Well it does have a watch display on the outside, so when closed it would look like a ridiculous oversized digital watch. At least it contains a cell phone, speaker, antenna and everything so besides the bulky phone there’s nothing else you’d need to bring. Japanese “One-Seg” standard, so not really useful outside of Japan i guess. Interestingly this was never for sale – but you could win one of 5000 units in a sweepstakes from Asahi “Super Dry” beer. Thus probably the rarest TV watch ever, even in Japan this is difficult to get.
4. SUPRL SP-WTV01 (2012)
The last TV Wristwatch ever made and without doubt by far the best one. This is not just a color TV with retractable antenna, built-in speakers and FM radio – this one even supports virtually every TV standard ever – NTSC, PAL, SECAM and all kinds of different flavors of these standards. The watch is not so bulky and it can be charged by a standard micro-USB cable. You could also wear it like a pendant around your neck if you prefer that. If analog TV wouldn’t have been shut down already in most countries this would have been a “must have” – but unfortunately it came a bit late for most of us.
Unfortunately that’s it already. Hopefully we’ll one day get a (rather tiny) DVB-T2 wristwatch or so, but right now your collection is complete when you have these 4 models (And their variations if you’re extreme…).
Is that a notebook in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? No – actually none of the “Mininote” fits into a normal pocket. “Mininote” (Which means “mini notebook”) is a term that was used in Japan and somehow never made it to other countries. Wikipedia calls them “Subnotebook” even though this term is also used for bigger notebooks. But as with all terms we use they are stretchable anyways. Typical palmtop computers of the early 1990s like the Poqet PC or Sharp PC-3000 typically fit neither on your palm or in your pocket (The HP 200LX somehow did – if you had considerably large pockets). The IBM Palmtop PC 110 kinda really fitted on a palm, but due to it’s thickness also typically didn’t fit in a pocket. The IBM PC110 was kinda unfair competition in late 1995 since IBM Japan spent as much money developing and manufacturing it that they made a big loss even though one unit costed something like a good used car – but oh well it was a prestige thing they could afford. Exact figures are unknown, but rumours say that the PC110 would have been profitable if it costed more than a brand new small car. Anyways, IBM had proven their point and had no intention to produce more than their original first batch.
So a few months later – April 1996 to be precise – Toshiba Japan came up with a new design that actually made sense from an economic point of view – the Libretto 20. It was considerably bigger (like 2 of the mentioned Sharp PC-3000 stacked), memory was the same (8MB standard, 20 MB max), but at least a faster 486 and the TFT screen had more colors.
A Toshiba Libretto 70. Same as models 20,50,60 – just with better specs.
So even as it was considerably bigger than the IBM PC110 – it was AVAILABLE and that meant a lot. The IBM PC110 would stay the smallest laptop ever for more than a decade, but hey – you could go into a store and buy the Libretto. That made it instantly the smallest laptop you can buy – and at under 200,000 yen for an 8MB model with a 260MB hdd , 75 MHz 486 and brand new Windows 95 it was “expensive” but still cheaper and more practical than the PC110. And a half year later Toshiba released an upgraded 100MHz model. There was always a demand for really tiny laptops in Japan (ride a subway in Tokyo during the rush hour to see why) but now Toshiba really delivered. The “Mininote” craze was born.
In January 1997 Toshiba released the Libretto 50 – now with a Pentium 75, 810MB HDD, 16MB RAM standard and a maximum of 32 MB RAM. An international release came in middle of 1997 and to Toshibas surprise there was also a (small) demand for such tiny machines in the rest of the world. Librettos were Toshibas license to print money, so another CPU upgrade was due in November. But then a challenger appears!
NEC mobio NX
NEC announced it’s “Mobio NX” series in october 1997 – to be released in November 1997. Actually it was released 3 days after the Libretto 70. Although NEC managed to boost the max memory to a whooping 80 MB it came with 16Mb standard (like the libretto 70), the same Pentium MMX 120MHz and a considerably weaker DSTN display (A special TFT version was available for much more money and often not even available in stores) while the Libretto 70 had the new fancy TFT by default. So after all is said the NEC was regarded a poor knockoff of the Libretto. Size-wise the depth was even a bit more than the libretto but it was a bit thinner. it did not sell as well as NEC expected but at least it was not a complete failure. The “OnNow” resume (hibernation) feature was praised as it was pretty fast, but that alone didn’t save the sales figures.
In March 1998 Toshiba released the Libretto 100 – making it a bit bigger by increasing the depth. it now featured a Pentium MMX 166, 2.1 GB HDD and 64MB RAM max. Competition was tiny (Hello NEC!) so it sold quite well. And then suddenly another challenger appears.
Palmax PD1000
The Palmax PD1000 was kinda game changer. Released in July 1998 it featured the rather slow Cyrix Media GX 120MHz – an unimpressive clone of the pentium 120 MMX – but it came with a USB port, 1.6GB HDD and – behold – a touch screen. All that would not have impressed people much, but the price was significantly lower than the competitors. So finally there was a budget Mininote. While Palmax was and is no brand that rings a bell they did have an interesting history. The company behind Palmax was actually the notorious “Tidalwave” corporation from Taiwan who sold their cheap DOS palmtops to loads of more or less famous computer retailers and manufacturers all over the world who would in turn flood the market with countless OEM versions of the Tidalwave PS-1000. Since most retailers and manufacturers who sold their PS-1000 actually already went bankrupt they had to find new partners, so this model was also sold by IPC, Topline, Bestpal, Gericom, forefront and others. The most hyped feature of it was also the biggest drawback: The touch screen. While this was a pretty cool feature in 1998 it was also clear that Windows 98 was not really optimized for touch screens and most DOS games and appz were also not really much fun with a touchscreen.
NEC and Toshiba kept on releasing upgraded versions that only got you a better processor and more RAM while suddenly another challenger appears.
Casio “Cassiopeia” Fiva
The Casio Fiva came out pretty late, but it tried to fix some of the shortcomings of the competition. While most people from outside of Japan only know Casio for cheap digital wristwatches they actually made a pretty fine “Mininote” in Japan. When released in November 1998 the Fiva did not only sport a USB bus but also the brightest display and that in a whooping 800 x 600 resolution while all other mininotes still had 640 x 480. The processor was “Not that impressive” being a Cyrix MMX 200MHz, but max RAM was already 96MB and it was the first mininote to feature a real touchpad compared to the mouse stick of the competition. With HDD options between 3.2 and 6.4 GB it was also a challenger on the disk space side of life.
All four of these manufacturers released other updated models of their Mininotes, but Casio remained the winner of the 1990s spec run selling a considerable number of Fivas in Japan and later even in the U.S.
I could continue with the 2000s but i guess i keep that for another blog post.