PS2.EXE is a little tool that is used to set-up some stuff for the PC-110. Some stuff can be set-up in the BIOS, other options are hidden.
There are 2 modes. If you just call PS2.exe without any parameters it will try to start-up in interactive full-screen mode. That ONLY works if you are starting it from a JAPANESE DOS and all on-screen input will be displayed in Japanese. The interactive mode has a few settings that can not be edited in command line mode, for example the screen brightness for a specific power mode and so on. However - if you don't speak Japanese then the command line mode is obviously easier to use. If you use PS2 in command line mode (adding parameters after PS2.exe) and your DOS/Windows environment does not have a Japanese code page set it is all displayed in English. The following info is assuming you use the command line mode with a non-Japanese code page.
Capital letters (I also made them bold for readability) indicate shortcuts to enter at the command line, so for example "PS2.exe SC CRT" sets the display to an external monitor.
I have written them down as COMMAND OPTIONS (DESCRIPTION)
? (Displays the syntax for basic PS2 options)
Help (Displays the syntax for basic PS2 options)
PMode High Medium Low (Power saving Mode when running on batteries)
POwer XX minutes (0-99) (Idle time to auto-suspend (0-99 min)()
LCd XX minutes (Idle time to screen off (0-17 min))
SPeed Fast Medium Slow (CPU at 33MHz 15MHz 6MHz)
DEFAULT (Reset all basic settings to defaults)
Cover Enable Disable (Should the 110 suspend when the cover closes?)
ON AT yyyy-MM-DD HH:mm:ss / HH:mm:ss / Clear (System auto-start at specific time/date, every day (if only time is supplied)or clear alarm)
RI Enable Disable (Wake up on phone ring. Useful if you use the PC110 as an answering machine)
SCreen LCD CRT (Use external monitor or internal)
VEXPansion ON OFF (Stretch display to fill screen?)
IRQAudio 5 10 Disable (IRQ for the SoundBlaster)
DMAAUdio 1 3 (DMA for the SoundBlaster)
IRQINKing 5 10 Disable (IRQ for the digitizing tablet)
ADDINKing 15E0 25E0 35E0 (I/O Address for the digitizing tablet)
IR 1 2 Disable (Port for InfraRed (COM1:, COM2:, or none))
SErial 1 2 Disable (Port for serial connection (COM1:, COM2:, or none))
IMODEM 1 2 Disable (Port for internal modem (COM1:, COM2:, or none))
PMODEM 1 2 Disable (Port for PCMCIA modem/serial port (COM1:, COM2:, or none))
OFF (suspends the PC110)
CLick ON OFF (Keyboard click noises )
Here are the "Hidden" PS2 commands - only for advanced users...
_@??? (Displays the advanced PS2 commands)
_@Keyboard Speed Med Fast (Adjust typematic rate on keyboard)
_@Keyboard Response Normal Long (Adjust typematic delay on keyboard)
_@Keyboard Device Auto | Both (Auto=Use internal _or_ external keyboard; both=Use _both_ keyboards )
_@BATTery Standard Other (Charge to the IBM Battery or a more powerful non-IBM)
_@STATus Auto Time Battery (Show Time, Battery charge, or alternate both on the LCD status panel)
_@OFF (Turns PC110 off -as opposed to OFF, which suspends it)
_@LPT BI UNI ECP EPP (Set parallel port to Bi-Directional, Uni-Directional, or faster extended port types.)
_@REVision (List BIOS revisions)
_@COMB RS232 | IRda | MIDI | ASK (I think it has something to do with the devices that can be used all at once)
_@Token ring 4Mbps | 16Mbps (RIPL function speed for token ring cards if installed)
_@DEFAULT (Resets ALL advanced settings to defaults)
_@CMOS [OR | AND | XOR] [XXH[=YYH]] (XX=Index, YY=Data - don't play with this unless you are very sure, writes directly to BIOS)
_@ATA Primary | Secondary (ordering of the IDE controllers - interesting if a PCMCIA ATA controller is present)
_@IRQClear Disable | Enable (Seems to clear IRQ values from the name? Really unsure about this one)
_@PCIC Disable | Enable (Enables or disables the PCMCIA controller)
_@PCCD3v Disable | Enable (support 3V PCMCIA devices)
_@FDDPM Disable | Enable (behaviour of the floppy disk drive)
_@FNkey NO[=YYH] (NO=Number, YY=Code - you can send FN key combinations through this command, maybe interesting for batch files)
One thing to do with the PS2.exe tool that is quite helpful when you installed Windows 95 is to have the PC-110 turn off after Windows 95 has shut down (Instead of looking at the annoying "It is now safe to turn off your computer" screen and manually turning it off with the power switch).
PS2.exe _@CMOS F9H=11H
There are also some secret FN-key combinations:
FN+V = toggles vertical expansion of the screen on/off (PS2 vexpansion on/off)
FN+M = toggles speaker on/off
FN+B = toggles LCD-Status.