Counter measures against chinese DDOS attacks

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Counter measures against chinese DDOS attacks

Post by Kyodai »

Well actually I'm not even sure if this was a DDOS or just some badly configured spider?

Anyways, last weeks we have had our CPU and memory usage always at 100% due to a myriad of seemingly normal hits on the forums. You might have noticed loads of HTTP 500 errors due to the overload situation.

I finally had some spare time to analyze it and all these hits came from China.

They just didn't make sense at all, looked like a spider - randomly browsing the forum, but in such high speed and from so many different IPs that I just had to do something. You can see the high water mark on the forum footer - Most users ever online: 318. Normally the server can handle even much more users, but not if they click a post ever second (Hey even if you can read fast that is unrealistic!).

After all is said and done I had to block access for chinese users.

So if you are from China or Chinese and a human and really wanna browse the site and forums then drop me an e-mail or PM and I'll find a solution to unblock you. Sorry but I had to do this since the site was unusable for everyone with this weird traffic.
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